Histories Of Retro Gaming Consoles

Denard Fobbs and Atiksh Mehta

Many people enjoy today's gaming. It doesn't matter whether you're a mobile gamer, a console one, or a PC gamer. Whatever you choose, all of them are great.


The very first console was the Odyssey which was not that great. They were simple back in the day. Some others are the Atari 2600 and Bally Astrocade, and finally, the Fairchild channel. The Odyssey created the first ping pong game!


The 1980s was the best thing of all. Unless you're a Sony gamer, in which case the 1990's came out with the PS1. But the consoles in the 1980s marked the first 8-bit era and the origin of Nintendo.

The ultimate was The Sega Master. Some others are the Nintendo computer and the big one, the Sega Mark 3. This was the FIRST EVER 8-BIT console at all! But then the Atari 7600 came, marking its place forever in the history of consoles. The very late 1980s had the Sega Genesis.

1990's- 1999

Up first was the PlayStation and PS1. Sony was the first and still to this day the first to have shapes instead of letters. Commonly, it was A,B,Y and X. Then we have the Sega Saturn. Then the Nintendo 64 came. Then we have the late 1990s, which were awesome.

PlayStation marked its bestseller, the PS2. It was so popular because you could play games, find easter eggs, and watch movies. Yes, MOVIES! And this is still a feature on the PS4, and PS5! Till today, it is still a bestseller!

These consoles are the greatest, in my opinion. Xbox is 2001, but it is not that great, in my opinion.

This is an interview with someone who has a SNES, and his name is Denard Fobbs.

Q. So Denard, how does it feel to own a SNES?

A. It feels awesome!

Q. What is your favorite game on the Super Nintendo?

A. My favorite game on the Super Nintendo is probably Star Fox.

Star Fox is a game where you get deployed out of a ship, and you try to take out the boss's lair, and there are certain waves that you have to complete to destroy the boss.

Q: And finally, how does this original console compare to other, newer, next-gen consoles?

A: It is a lot different than now because you have to get up and turn off the system.